
My name is Suvetha.
I am from Coimbatore.
Currently i am studying in
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapetham,B.Tech-Cyber Security

My hobbies are
  • Singing
  • reading
  • listening to music
  • reading books
  • watching movies

About my family:

Think of your family today and every day thereafter, don’t let the busy world of today keep you from showing how much you love and appreciate your family.



I have completed my education from Veveaham School, Dharapuram.

  1. KG-Lourde matha School
  2. Primary-Lourde Matha School
  3. Secondary-Sree Adharsh School
  4. Higher Secondary-veveaham School


On my free time i used to play with my brothers and sisters
I like to travel long distances with my family members and my friends. Travelling to hills is the best experience which ever i had. Till my secondary education i used to travel a lot but when i joined my higher secondary my travel has been reduced. Being in joint family i can understand the values of each person in a family.